🆕 New features
- Treatment tasks tab in Risk register: Users now have a dedicated tab in the risk register to manage risk treatment tasks.
- Inventory: Users can now bulk edit the owner of multiple inventory assets simultaneously with just a few clicks.
- GDPR training: Users subscribed to a GDPR add-on can now complete GDPR training on Secfix, in addition to regular security awareness training. GDPR Training is available in English and German.
- Summary email notification: Weekly summary digests are sent via email to Secfix admin users every Monday. It covers outstanding automated tasks, manual evidence, policies, vendors, risks, and employee tasks.
- Dashboard v.1.0: The first iteration of our dashboard allows users to stay up-to-date about manual evidence progress and risk management online. Also it gives users quick access to helpful features and easy booking of feedback sessions with our co-founder.
Fixes & improvements
- Added empty state for the Discover Vendors tab.
- Fixes on vendors' logos and renaming.
- Date format fixed.
- Owner selection improvements.
- Task isn't readable if the text is too long.
- If the vendor had an owner unassigned, the table didn't get updated.
- Pagination issue with Jira integration.
- Hotfix on cloud assets sync.
- Hotfix on manual evidence expiry check.
- Hotfix AWS -> fetch cloud asset tags.
- Exclude cloud resources that have the SecfixNonProd (=true), SecfixNoAlert tags on the inventory.
- Exclude/hide not applicable resources with tags SecfixNonProd (=true), SecfixNoAlert from automated tasks.