Add Firewall check and Password Policy Check - Remove Password Manager
Branko Dzakula
Firewall - it is part of the requirements in operations security we have in pol-19. Every OS has a built in firewall feature but it is often not turned on. This is a great thing to check through os query agent
Password Policy vs Password Manager - Password policy is part of iso requirements that have to be implemented according to pol-04 password management. It needs to be implemented in every tool customer uses but most importantly on IDM platforms, critical vendors and devices. With the agent you can check the password policy via os query on os level, if the password for the os user is compliant with the company password policy.
Password manager check was challenged by a few customers as something that is not necessary but we still check for it. And if they don’t use a pass manager they have these red marks as if they are missing something. So this is a very good replacement check that secureframe did in my pro opinion.